Arbor Day

Today was the annual Arbor Day of Service for the Penn-Del chapter of ISA.  Arborists from many area companies came together to donate tree maintenance work at the Freedoms Foundation in Valley Forge.  Trees were pruned in the Medal of Honor grove, where our climbing championship will be held on May 5, as well as elsewhere on the grounds.
Highlighting the day was the planting of a replacement crabapple tree in the circle of trees honoring 13 marines who were killed in a horrific accident in Vietnam in 1967.  Veterans, some traveling from pretty far away, came to witness the event, and it was very humbling to hear their expressions of gratitude, knowing what THEY have given.  This video will help explain the story.

Planting trees from a container

I was in Walmart recently, looking at the plants.  Ok, I suppose I’ve already turned off parts of my audience!  But seriously, looking at all those trees in 2-gallon pots, I couldn’t help feeling a little bit sad.  “Sad?”  You might think, “Why sad?  You love trees, and the idea of people planting trees is such a hopeful, positive thing.”  Well yes it is.  But I’m an arborist, and I get to witness so much disappointment when my clients show me trees that were planted a few years before and just aren’t going to live to be old.  I don’t like to be negative, but the reality is that most of these trees will fail to fully live up to the hope and expectation of the persons who adopt them.  So I bought two of them, took them home, and made this video while they were being planted. Please watch it, and pass it on in order to make more happy endings.  Thanks, W.